Hash Rapid – Bitcoin Cloud Mining Service (NOT PAYING)

Hash Rapid Bitcoin Cloud Mining Service

UPDATE: Hash Rapid is no longer running. What started as a great journey for cloud mining investors in August 2019, ended in June 2020.

Check out other Cloud Mining and Bitcoin Investing platforms that are working & paying.

Remember that any platform has the potential to stop paying or go offline at any time. Enter at your own risk. We are not financial advisors.

Hash Rapid is a cloud mining service that has been operational since September 2019. As of April 27, 2020, Hash Rapid is still making payouts to its customers.

With the upcoming Bitcoin Halving, it remains to be seen if this platform will still exist. We will keep our eyes on it and provide you with an update letting you know if this platform is still paying.

In the meantime, check out our YouTube video for the latest withdrawal proofs for this platform.

Hash Rapid Plans

How To Start Mining With Hash Rapid

This mining platform accepts deposits and withdrawals in Bitcoin. They have a variety of mining plans to choose from. We are currently mining in the Silver plan.

  1. To get started mining with Hash Rapid, click here.
  2. Enter your Bitcoin Wallet Address and a pin code. Make sure to save it somewhere.
  3. Goto Plans and choose which one you can afford to invest in.
  4. Send the amount of Bitcoin to the deposit address they provide you.
  5. After a few confirmations, your plan will be activated and you will start earning profits.

How To Withdraw Profits

To get started with a withdrawal, from the available balance, simply copy or enter the amount of Bitcoin you would like to withdraw. Once finished, hit the Withdraw button.

Please note that the minimum withdrawal on the platform is 0.002 BTC. Make sure you are in a plan which allows you to accumulate profits fast.

Withdrawals are manual and will take anywhere from 24 hours to receive a payout. The most we had to wait to receive our profits is about 10-12 hours.

When your profits are received in your Bitcoin Wallet, the pending status will turn to a complete status. This will let you know that you have successfully received your payment.

Earn more with the Affiliate Program

Earn more profits by referring people with your affiliate link. Check out how to get referrals for any affiliate program here and start earning more on Hash Rapid and any other platform.

The affiliate program consists of 5 levels which means you’ll be able to get a higher affiliate commission for referring more sales. The referral commissions with 5 levels of 7% -4% -2% -1% -1% are applied to all plans.

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