How to fix PancakeSwap Transaction Cannot Succeed Error / Insufficient_Output_Amount

how to fix pancakeswap transaction cannot succeed error


When using PancakeSwap, you want to exchange one coin for another, but you can’t because you get an error that states the following: The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT.


To fix this problem is simple, all you have to do is increase the slippage amount. Click on the Setting/Gear Icon.

bsc pancakeswap exchange

By default, the slippage is set to 0.5%. You will want to set the amount to a minimum of 2.0%.

increase slippage in pancakeswap

If after adjusting the slippage to 2.0% and you still receive the error, continue to increase the slippage amount until you succeed. In most cases, you might have to raise the slippage to 12%.

increase slippage in pancakeswap 2

Once the correct slippage amount is set, your transaction will be approved.

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